Indian Classical Dance form Bharatanatyam

Indian Classical Dance Form Bharatanatyam

Table of Content:[ez-toc]

  1. Definition Of Bharatanatyam
  2. History Of Bharatanatyam
  3. Indian Classical Dance form Bharatanatyam: Types
  4. Dance Terms
  5. How to learn an Indian Classical Dance form Bharatnatyam

Definition Of Bharatanatyam

Bha + ra + ta + Natyam = Bharatanatyam Here Bha = bhava or expression, Ra = Ragam or melody, Ta = Talam or rhythm, and Natyam = Dance, due to this fact, collectively is named ‘BHARATANATYAM’

History Of Bharatanatyam Bharatanatyam is the oldest of all of the classical dance types in India. Bharatanatyam in its solo kind as we see right this moment is certainly a genuine classical dance kind. Its origin date again to greater than 2000 years when a man might see Gods and Goddesses on the earth.

Also, there’s a story associated with the origin of dance which says that – Lord Brahma – who wrote the fifth Veda, requested sage ‘Bharata’ to take this fifth Veda to unfold its phrases and disseminate the knowledge. For this work moderately this job, Bharata selected to write down ‘Natya Shastra’ – the science of dance. It is a masterpiece, which is most complete and compelling within the strategies of Indian Classical Dances. The palm leaves on which Bharata wrote are nonetheless preserved in two holy temples in Tanjore and Malabar.

Indian Classical Dance Form Bharatanatyam: Types

Tanjore secular neighborhood developed Bharatanatyam with ‘Natya Shastra’ as a suggestion and never as a choreographic software. At first, girls known as ‘Devadasi’- Maidservants of God, carried out Bharatanatyam in temples in reward of God. Now coming additional after about 900-1000 years, on this interval the know-how had elevated dramatically.

The world had skilled modifications drastically however Bharatanatyam had modified little or no. It retained its magnificence, reputation, and secularity. As we go away behind 200-300 extra years, nonetheless dance continues to have sturdy secular ties. In this period- transformation started to happen and Bharatanatyam started to take its fashionable form and wonder.
During this transformation, the nice saints, poets, and musicians used their capacity to create or weave lovely melodic tales coupled with Bharatanatyam to a kind rhythmic story, which a dancer would inform.

Now a ‘Devadasi’ – Maidservants of God, accompanied by musicians would use classical dance to inform the traditional tales of God. As the evolution befell, Bharatanatyam started to maneuver out of the temples and into the palaces of kings and queens. At this stage, Bharatanatyam dancers broke into two classes:-

1. The conventional temple Devadasi – Maidservants of God,

2. The entertaining non-secular Rajanartika – Dancers to entertain kings and queens.

In this era, dance was thought of extra for leisure than as an artwork. The dressing type and costumes had been modified and dance began shedding its dignity. The fantastic thing about this religious artwork was misplaced and it was performed for leisure than devotion. During the early twentieth century, Bharatanatyam had misplaced its identification and there was hardly any status for dance.

By God’s grace, there have been few poets in southern India who had nice respect & regard for dance and so they wished to convey again its glory to the current. Also, it was individuals like Anna Pavlova, E. Krishna Iyer, Udayshankar, and Rukmini Devi whose great efforts introduced again the great thing about this artwork and so they gave a brand new life to bounce.

Indian Classical Dance form Bharatanatyam

Anna Pavlova a famous Russian Ballerina discovered Uday Shankar (choreographer), in her troupe and urged him to find his dance heritage. This made a landmark within the historical past of the revival of the dance in India. E. Krishna Iyer, a training Barrister and a freedom fighter was destined to play a vital function in the revival of Bharatanatyam.

E. Krishna Iyer dressed like a feminine Bharatanatyam dancer and carried out within the public to take away the stigma hooked up to this artwork. For practically 7 years he battled with the leaders of the “Anti-Nautch” motion. 

Rukmini Devi, daughter of revered Sanskrit scholar- A.Nilakanta Shastri determined to enter the sphere of dance. She took her classes from Devadasi Gowri Amma & Meenakshi Sundaram Pillai. She gave her first dance recital in 1936. From then the course of Bharatanatyam modified considerably. She eliminated disagreeable components from dance, devised inventive costumes, and used ‘padams’ (Merchandise in Bharatanatyam) to unfold the religious significance.

She contributed rather a lot to eradicate the stigma of eroticism. Bharatanatyam now not remained base or vulgar. Efforts of those nice individuals and different poets revitalized the normal fantastic thing about Bharatanatyam.

Dance Terms

Dance is mainly divided into three main classes as follows:- Nritta – Nritta is the summary type of dance that doesn’t convey any message or that means. It mainly contains all of the steps which can be performed in dance. In Bharatanatyam ‘Alarippu’ is, without doubt, one of the Nritta objects.

Nritya – Nritya contains each Nritta (summary dance) and Abhinaya (Expression). Nritya relies on a theme or story and has a particular message to be conveyed. In Bharatanatyam ‘Padam’ is, without doubt, one of the Nritya objects.

Natya – Natya is the opposite title for ‘dance ballet’ which is generally narrative. Episodes from epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana are depicted within the type of dance ballet and are named ‘Natya’.


If we cut up this phrase we get ‘Nava’ +’rasa’. Nava means Nine and Rasa mean sentiment or moods. These come beneath the abhinaya side or the expression half in dance. The following 9 races are depicted in Indian classical dance types:-

  1. Shringaram- Happiness
  2. Veeram- Heroism
  3. Roudram- Anger
  4. Shantam- Peace
  5. Bhibatsam- Ugly
  6. Hayam- Laughter
  7. Adbhutam- Surprised, Amazed
  8. Karunai- Sympathy
  9. Bhayam-Fear

Adavu is the fundamental unit of dance. All the steps that are performed in Bharatanatyam are collectively referred to as Adavu. There are varied sorts of adavus like Tattadavu, Nattadavu, Teermanam adavu, and many others.

Taalam– The different units of beats utilized in Indian classical music is named Taalam. There are mainly 7 teams utilized in the Carnatic music system (Sung for Bharatanatyam)


There are 5 jathis in Bharatanatyam

  1. Tishram – 3 beats “Ta Ki Ta”
  2. Chatham – 4 beats “Ta Ka Dhi Mi”
  3. Khandam – 5 beats “Ta ka Ta Ki ta”
  4. Mishram – 7 beats “Ta Ki Ta Ta Ka Dhi Mi”
  5. Sankeernam – 9 beats “Ta Ka Dhi Mi Ta Ka Ta Ki Ta”


The pause between two adavus or motions is named Korvai or Teermanam. Hastas– The Hand gestures that we present in Indian Classical Dance are named Hastas or Hasta Mudras. There are primarily 4 classes of hashtags – Asamyuta Hastas (single hand gestures), Samyuta Hastas (double hand gestures), this additionally has subcategories like Deva Hasta (hastas used o depict God and Goddesses) & Dashavatara Hasta (hastas used to depict incarnation of Lord Vishnu).

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